Below are additional wellness links and resources all hand picked to further assist you with your total health and life transformation. Watch for more quality links as I post the wellness articles.
Energy Shiatsu – Reiki & Healing Touch care in Toronto
Energy Shiatsu is a Holistic and Life-changing combination of Shiatsu deep tissue massage, Reiki and Healing Touch energy. Experience deep relaxation, wonderful comfort, immediate relief from any aches or pains, and calmed mind or nervous system. Leave the session feeling renewed and rejuvenated, with your body working behind the scenes healing itself and your mind coming up with profound solutions to your life challenges.
Reverlri – Energetic Healing at your Doorstep
Explicitly ask for energetic help, healing or prayer on a new website called Reverlri. It recently opened just for that purpose and I highly recommend that you post your request there just like my friends posted such request when I had my accident.
Spring Clean Cleanse and Detox
My friend Cindy Papp, a power expert on complete body cleanse and detox, has a thorough Spring Clean Cleanse website with plenty of information about different types of detox cleansing for different purposes.
Natural Herbal Remedy Supplements
Comprehensive site about herbal supplements and alternative remedies as cures for many minor health problems. Slow down signs of aging and reduce the likelihood of disease by taking herbal remedies.
For an effective ear infection treatment, you can put two drops of garlic juice in your affected ear. Warm olive oil can also be used instead of garlic juice for ear infection treatment.
Learn how to solve the real issues that cause binge eating from someone who overcame this disorder. You will find tips, guidelines, and support to help you overcome binge and emotional eating.
This cholesterol HDL LDL website discusses the importance of increasing HDL and lowering LDL cholesterol. Discover the diet strategies on how to lower LDL and raise HDL levels.
Nutritionist & Author offering Internal Cleanse Programs, Whole-Food Nutritional Vitamins & Supplements, Healthy Weight Loss Programs, Natural Skin Care, Books, Articles and a free, online Health newsletter.
Drugwatch is a comprehensive web site featuring information on dangerous over-the-counter and prescription medications and their associated side effects. Please see our Actos side effects page for more information.
Eastern University’s Library of Public Health Resources on community health, epidemiology, healthful living, hygiene, hygienics, preventive medicine, sanitation, and others.
Health Zone – Live your life fully!
Check out this health and nutrition store with brands like Nutrilite®, eSpring® and iCook®. The products are high quality and come with a solid satisfaction guarantee. After my skiing mishap, the Nutrilite vitamins and supplements played a HUGE role in my full recovery.
Globally Well – Products that Fit Your Lifestyle
Complete store with a wide variety of high quality products that fit your lifestyle. I simply can’t live without some of the stuff: 5-stars laundry detergent, long-lasting antiperspirant deodorant, and really amazing all-purpose cleaners – no other brands match the results, believe me I tried. Check out the latest in Nutrition & Wellness, Beauty, Bath & Body, and For The Home products.
Get Employee Wellness Service, corporate occupational health Service provider, Wellness service provider in South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa. Our placement / staffing solutions to outsourced clinics, in-house Occupational Health Clinics and hospitals for all nursing categories and specialties.
Labelle is the best skin clinic in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai.
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I am totally wowed and prepraed to take the next step now.
Go for it, Bette!