Below you will find the collection of e-Books written by yours trutly, as well as various Wellness Products and Services that I’ve personally used and found to be very helpful.
All the recommendations are based on these key principles:
• Ease of Use • Speed to Market • High Value • Genuine Results • Ethics and Integrity
Health, Fitness and Nutrition eBooks [free] – HOT! High quality few-page e-Books about getting fit and healthy for life. Over $350 dollars in value, yours free!
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Tahitian Noni Juice – Everyone needs Noni everyday! Noni Juice is all natural with no preservatives or no added sugars, and it is completely organic. It is helping hundreds of people with conditions such as: high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, allergies, digestion, cancer, HIV, and arthritis – just to name a few. NatureBorn Vitamins are based on all-natural plant ingredients and anti-oxidant blend. They help lower cholesterol, reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, maintain a healthy heart, and support the immune system. [ Tahitian Noni Juice | Benefits | Wellness Business ]
Defy Age Intervention & FIT Body Composition System Morinda DEFY® is the Best Anti-Aging and Personal Skin Care Cream that combats Age Spots, Wrinkles, Dark Eye Circles, Saggy Skin, Dry Skin, Dull Tone, Rough Texture, and even Acne. DEFY is organic, natural, paraben-free, vegan friendly, non-irritating and delivers immediate results. Getting FIT Body is easier than you think. Morinda FIT® is NOT a weight loss system. FIT is about achieving an ideal body composition. It’s about how you feel! FIT takes a healthy, natural and wholistic approach and the best part is, it works even you’re very busy. [ Morinda Defy Aging Now | Get FIT Body Now ]
Brain & Sleep Support System and Energy Shot Combining the proven power of vigorous brain-boosting nutrients combined with a powerful melatonin and nutrient complex spray, makes the Isagenix® Brain and Sleep Support System an ideal way to achieve restful sleep while supporting healthy brain function. A nutrient-packed, naturally-caffeinated energy shot that gets–and keeps–you active and alert. e+ contains caffeine derived from green tea and yerba maté and a proprietary, scientifically proven blend of adaptogenic botanicals that increase energy, stamina and mental alertness. [ Brain & Sleep Support System | e+ Energy Shot ]
Green Products – Nutrition, Beauty, Lifestyle, Home Complete store with a wide variety of environmentally friendly and excellent products that fit your lifestyle. I simply can’t live without some of the stuff: effective laundry detergent and fabric softener sheets, long-lasting anti-perspirant deodorant, dish washing liquid and scrub buds, and powerful all-purpose cleaners – no other brands match the results, believe me I tried. Check out the Nutrition & Wellness, Bath & Body, Beauty and For Home products – all with the convenience of at home delivery.
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It’s spooky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!